Toni Noel, Owner
My Story
My story begins in my career as a Financial Advisor where I assisted clients with Estate Plans. By helping my clients to Pre-Plan their final wishes, I was able to help them with what I have always called the "final act of kindness" - removing any questions or debate over who gets heirlooms as there is ultimately so much "stuff" we leave behind.
However, throughout the course of my life and personal experiences with grieving loved ones, I came to see Estate Planning as only one part of Pre-Planning. I personally experienced and heard so many other people express a deep longing for just one simple, final sentiment from the departed - a final message or expression of love that one could physically hold onto. Something one could cherish to let them know one last time, how much they were cared for and loved. I now deeply believe in the importance of End-of-Life Planning with Dignity Therapy and Legacy Work to address the non-financial and incredibly meaningful emotional aspects of leaving loved ones and friends behind.
"A final act of kindness for those you hold dear..."
This is where the inspiration for 'A Touch from Beyond' cards came from. I have come to believe that the TRUE "final act of kindness" is leaving behind an emotional legacy to those you hold dear - a heartfelt sentiment of love, joy, gratitude or inspiration to the family, friends, and other meaningful people in your life. To comfort the bereaved and to help them to heal.
Thank you for your interest in my mission to help people to leave this world with grace, dignity and peace of mind. I sincerely hope you find comfort in using our cards, knowing you have left behind a message that will be a treasured keepsake and part of your legacy.